
  • Everyone deserves affordable housing; clean water; bikeable and walkable neighborhoods; access to public transportation; and safety from gun violence. I will work with local stakeholders and government to ensure that every resident of the 23rd District has access to these things.

    Livable neighborhoods also demand jobs that cover the cost of living - I'm committed to worker protections and to unions. Delaware needs to make sure it pays essential workers like community health workers, paraprofessionals, school bus drivers, and many others a living wage.

  • Abortion remains legal in Delaware, but not everyone has access to it or many other aspects of reproductive care, from STI testing to gender-affirming care. I will work to make sure that every Delawarean has access to all the healthcare they deserve - and that it is affordable.

    In addition, Black women and babies have higher mortality rates than white women and babies during and after pregnancy and birth in Delaware; this is unacceptable. I will work for full reproductive justice and equity.

  • As a member of the Newark NAACP Branch, I saw firsthand how inequity and racism persist in Delaware. From criminal justice reform to making sure that Black and brown children have access to all of the same resources as their white peers, I will always work to bring equity to the 23rd District.

  • Our public schools are a reflection of our priorities as a community. The 23rd District has some wonderful schools but resources are not shared equally among them. I will work to make sure that every child in the district has the same opportunities, regardless of where they live. This is particularly important for all of the children who suffered learning loss during the pandemic. I am also committed to making sure that every child has access to pre-K programs.

  • I am deeply committed to the human rights of every person, regardless of their gender identity or sexuality. We've seen an increase in attacks on the transgender community across the country; we need to make Delaware a shining example of what it means to support and lift up our trans community, to offer the kinds of care that trans people need, and to make sure that providers of gender-affirming care are protected.

  • We have all seen how our democracy has been threatened over the past eight years. In Delaware we need to look at the dates of our elections - particularly low-turnout elections like those for school board - and see where we can consolidate. I also will fight for measures to make voting easier, including making Election Day a state holiday.

  • I am a writer and the parent of a musician and a visual artist and I believe deeply in the value that the arts play in all our lives. I will work to lift up the cultural institutions in the 23rd district and to find ways to bring art education and cultural experiences to everyone.

  • We have a crisis of addiction in Delaware that impacts so many families. And our behavioral health safety net is essentially broken for many Delawareans, including our children. We also have a high rate of suicide by gun. I will work on community-based solutions to these problems as well as ways to guarantee that every Delawarean can get mental health treatment.

“I have been so lucky to raise my family in the 23rd District - now I want to give back.”

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Mara Gorman family